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This statement applies to content published on www.ebv.org.uk and www.epstein-barrvirus.org.uk, which are owned by Dr Rob White, and hosted by Imperial College.
This website is provided as a courtesy to the research community to allow you to browse our research data (and make use of ways we have made the date of others more usable by our group). I want to be as inclusive as possible in allowing others to use the site within my limited coding skillset. For example, that means you should be able to:
AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.
Parts of this website may not be fully accessible (italicised features will be improved in future). For example:
· The website has not been coded for use on touchscreen devices, so may be very small on these screens. It does generally work though.
· The website has been accessibility tested using Google Chrome. It has not been extensively tested on other browsers.
· Because tables are made on the fly based on the queries, with different tables exhibiting different behaviours and different coding backbone, their interactions with keyboard are inconsistent. This is inherent in the code, and cannot be easily changed.
· Data images were pre-generated using limited available colours, so cannot be retrospectively adjusted to accommodate for colour contrast issues, or to improve the nature of the available text.
· There is no Skip to main text option, but the keyboard is optimised to jump first to the gene list and then the query box as these are the primary functionality of the site.
· There are currently no skip links implemented on the site, which should be added to allow bypass of menus and tables.
· There is no Landmark structure to the website, so any interactions relying on ARIA landmarks will not work.
· Some of the HTML usage is obsolete or not recommended, particularly for layout organisation and structure of the page. This may result in unpredictable behaviour.
· Some images contain text, but this is an unavoidable consequence of the nature of the website.
· The labels below grouped data (which are colour coded) do not always line up perfectly with the data. Colours are not described. However, it should be possible for users to interpret data without using colour information.
· Low resolution and/or high levels of zoom results in data table and image overlapping.
· Viewing the page in a linear format wrecks table structure but is just about usable.
· Tables do not allow selection of columns, and do not have suitable coding to give them structure that may be required for some accessibility tasks.
I have attempted to bring the website up to WCAG 2.1 AA standards, but it is not always possible for all our content to be accessible. Where content is not accessible, or exhibits unexpected behaviour, I will state a reason, warn users and offer alternatives.
Imperial College London is committed to making its website accessible in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.
This website is partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard, due to the known issues listed below.
The content that is not accessible is outlined below with details of:
· where it fails the success criteria
· planned dates for when issues will be fixed
The data shown by the website takes the form of pre-generated images. These were produced prior to 23 September 2018, so would represent an unreasonable burden to make these more accessible. These images contain text, and may not all meet colour contrast regulations, although this latter is mitigated by the fact that the colour information is also indicated by their position in the plots.
Areas of non-compliance have been identified by using the Accessibility Insights for Web assessment tools:
· Lack of ability to skip repetitive content during keyboard navigation. This fails WCAG 2.4.1. We plan to fix this by 1/1/21 as part of an overhaul of CSS, html hierarchy, and correcting table layout and definition issues.
· Failures with correct uses of html structure and heirarchy in the website This fails WCAG4.1.1.. We plan to fix this by 1/1/21 as part of an overhaul of CSS, html hierarchy, and correcting table layout and definition issues.
· Images including text are used for data presentation, rather than being a specific logo. This fails WCAG 1.4.5. We plan to investigate whether there is a straightforward way to fix this in the image labels below the data image, but it may require a disporportionate burden to rewrite this element of the website (see below). It will not be possible to fix this for text embedded in the data image.
· Failure of tables to have correct sequence and semantics organisation. This fails elements of WCAG1.3.1 and 1.3.2. We plan to fix this by 1/1/21, when we overhaul the table and CSS organisation of the website.
The website is intended to improve interrogation of our big data sets by members of our lab and our collaborators, and made available to the broader scientific community as a courtesy. It was not designed with mobile devices in mind, and is likely to have a very narrow appeal. It is thus a disproportionate burden to carry out a radical rewrite of the ‘under the hood’ elements of the site, or regenerate data images produced prior to 2020 solely to fully comply with accessibility requirements.
This includes any issues with:
· Autogenerated text and legends in the data images;
· Poor colour contrast on the data images (which may apply to the green:white contrast of the BL31 samples)
· Inconsistent strategies for navigating tables on the keyboard, which are due to the way the website uses variables to access the correct data files.
If you need any information extracted from the website, or if you identify any issues that should be corrected to improve accessibility should be brought to the attention of Rob White (robert.e.white@imperial.ac.uk).
We’ll consider your request and (holidays permitting) get back to you in 7 days.
The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is responsible for enforcing the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018 (the ‘accessibility regulations’). If you’re not happy with how we respond to your complaint, contact the Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS).
This website was last tested for accessibility compliance on 22.9.2020. These tests have been carried out internally using the Accessibility Insights for Web manual assessment tools on the entry page, the ChIP seq page and microarray data using the search terms “BCL2” or “BCL2%”, for various experimental conditions.
This statement was first prepared on 22-9-2020. It was last updated on 22-9-2020.